Cloud Computing/Web Development Courses:

CS-4060 (formerly CS306) Cloud Computing

CS-2060 (formerly cross-listed as *IT206 or *IT306) Web Development and Programming

*IT106 (formerly *IT205) Web Development and Programming

CS-3710 (formerly cross-listed as *IT371) Database Systems

CS-3420 Computer Communications 

Bioinformatics Courses

CS3220/BIO3220 Introduction to Bioinformatics

VPM8850/HUB8850 Bioinformatics for Graduate Students

VPM8710 Molecular Biology Techniques (Graduate Course, Dept. of Pathology and Microbiology. Taught part of the course)

VBS8810 Directed Studies: Bioinformatics (Graduate Course, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences)

VPM8820 Directed Studies: Bioinformatics (Graduate Course, Dept. of Pathology and Microbiology)

Software Courses:

CS3520 Operating Systems

CS2820 Introduction to System Programming 

CS1910 (formerly CS151) Computer Science I

CS4910 Directed Studies

* IT121 Introduction to Computer Programming


* this course is not offered any more.