Computer Science 2620
September 2024

Lecture Notes

  1. Virtualization -- Installing the virtual Machine
  2. Introduction to Programming Languages
  3. Language Evaluation
  4. History of Programming Languages
  5. Syntax and Semantics  
    1. ExampleBNFSpecialSymbols
  6. UNIX, shells, and scripting languages  
    Example (Submitting a program that adds line numbers to standard input)
  7. More on editing file with vi
  8. Logic Programming
    1. Prolog Examples (slide examples and more)   
  9. Names, Bindings, Type Checking, and Scopes  
    1. L07 Examples (slide examples and more) 

  10. Functional Programming    
    1. L08 Examples (slide examples and more) 
    2. L08 P66i (examples of various options for interactive programs) 
    3. Examples of "translating" a prolog program into Lisp 
  11. Data Structures    
  12. Data Types  

  13. Expression, Assignments, and Control Structures
    1. Examples
  14. Subprograms
    1. Examples
  15. Object Oriented Programming
    1. Examples

  16. Very Short Introduction to C, Pascal Fortran  
    1. Some BNF rules: C, Pascal, Fortran
    2. Simple examples C,PASCAL,FORTRAN
    3. Examples Fortran
    4. Examples Pascal
  17. Basic C
  18. Operator Precedence and associativity rules
  19. Short Introduction to C,C++,C#

    1. Examples C  
    2. Extra Examples C
    3. C++ Examples  
    4. Extra C++ Examples
    5. C# Examples  
  20. Introduction to COBOL
  21. Introduction to Perl

  22. PHP
  23. Instructions on Compiling Programs

Last modified:Saturday February 22, 2025 at 12:40 am AST
Cezar Câmpeanu